Condensate Pumps
Tired of emptying the bucket every few hours? Drainage point above the ceiling tied to your existing FCU / air-conditioning? Or simply too far from your dehumidifier location?
Install a condensate pump right next to your dehumidifier, and let it do all the work automatically.
We also carry models with integrated pumps, so you can get pumping right away!

HEPA Filters
Our dehumidifiers come with a standard washable filter that is easy to maintain. However, if you wish to add a purifier function to your dehumidifier, we have HEPA filter media option which is replaceable and offers cleaner air for your space.

More Accessories
Nowhere to drain the water? Need to run the dehumidifier for extended hours? An external container such as a jerry can will solve your problem.
Additional hose available if you need bypass tank drainage to a gravity drain, or simply to replace or extend your existing hose.
Programmable timers work very well with all our dehumidifiers to operate only at specific time periods in a day. Most models will auto-resume operation with the original user RH settings!